Chemical Industry Outreach Workshop Cincinnati

Butler Tech, Liberty Township

FBI Cincinnati Division in coordination with Butler County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad, is holding a Chemical Industry Outreach Workshop (CIOW). Who Should Attend: The focus of this CIOW is to conduct and develop liaisons with chemical industry safety/security professionals, chemical industry health and safety experts, other chemical industry representatives, chemical sales (industrial and retail), and academia. The CIOW is part of the FBI’s National Improvised Explosive Familiarization (NIEF) initiative designed to raise awareness of the use of common chemicals to produce improvised explosives. The classroom portion of this training will be held at Butler Tech. The main body of morning briefings will focus on FBI initiatives, capabilities/investigations and the overall chemical threat. After a networking break, FBI Special Agent Bomb Technician will provide a brief on explosives and associated Improvised Explosive Devices (IED’s). The afternoon will consist of a short field trip to the Butler County Bomb Squad explosives range for a live demonstration of various explosives and IED’s; most of which can be mixed using common household chemicals. Please RSVP by 4/21/2022.

Back to Basics: Sharpen Your LC and GC Skills

Mason - Powell - Independence OH

Join us as Agilent technical experts provide you with the valuable tools needed to accelerate your instrument towards unmatched performance and productivity. This seminar is designed to give you real-world knowledge that can be applied immediately in your lab. You are invited to join us for a half day or you can attend both the LC and the GC sessions. Registration is free but seating is limited. ** There are three events touring the state of Ohio: Southwest Ohio 9/20 (Mason) | Central Ohio 9/21 (Powell) | Northeast Ohio 9/22 (Independence) **

The Biotech Forum, presented by Miami University and BioOhio

Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) OH

Join us at The Biotech Forum for an industry roundtable, research presentations, and networking. The event will conclude with tours of the Miami University engineering and computing labs. In addition to the roundtable and insights into bioscience research happening on campus, attendees will have plenty of time to network with industry, faculty, and students. BioOhio’s President & CEO, Eddie Pauline, will also present the organization’s newly crafted Workforce Development Strategy.

Case Western Reserve University 2023 Career, Education and Inspiration Expo

Cleveland, OH OH

The staff of CWRU Post-Graduate Planning and Experiential Education invite you to participate in the Spring 2023 in-person Career, Education and Inspiration Expo on Friday, March 3rd, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in the Veale Athletic and Convocation Center Field House. As a recruiter, this is your opportunity to engage with our students and alumni for recruitment opportunities. If you are an admissions rep, this is your opportunity to highlight your graduate/professional school programs. In addition, CWRU organizations can present opportunities for students to get involved. This event is open to all CWRU students and alumni. **A virtual career fair is also planned for this date. Contact the organizer for more details.

Sharpen Up Your ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques with Agilent & Milestone Experts

COhatch - The Library Worthington

This event will focus on helping you get the most from your atomic spectroscopy instruments to work smarter not harder. Our experts will provide examples of daily tips to maximize instrument uptime and correct result reporting. Topics will include The Building Blocks of ICP-MS, The ABCs of ICP-OES and a total workflow approach for the Modern Elemental Analysis Lab. Lunch is included.