You’re in good company
Member Directory
From biotech startups and pharmaceutical companies to research institutions and healthcare leaders, our members represent the full spectrum of the industry, driving innovation, growth, and collaboration in the life sciences sector.
Team NEO
Team NEO is a private, nonprofit economic development organization accelerating business growth and job creation throughout the 18 counties of the Northeast Ohio Region. As the designated JobsOhio Network Partner, we align and amplify local economic development efforts in the region’s 18-counties; we conduct research and data analysis to inform local conversations and influence solutions; we market the Northeast Ohio Region; and we work to increase access to jobs, education and training for the region’s 4.3 million people. We do this to build a more vibrant regional economy; one that is more talented, equitable, competitive, innovative, resilient and prosperous.
(216) 363-5400
1111 Superior Ave., Suite 1600
Cleveland, OH
Cuyahoga County