Listings in Economic Development
- Economic Development22
- Laboratory Equipment3
- Patient Advocacy37
- Gene and Cell Therapy25
- Medical Devices364
- Pharmaceuticals132
- Research & Development177
- Agricultural Biotechnology64
- Consumer Products2
- Education26
- Digital Health231
- Laboratories12
- Medical Product Distribution10
- Professional Services106
- Regulatory Affairs17
- Suppliers42
The Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP) is a membership association of Northeast Ohio companies and organizations and one of the largest metropolitan chambers of commerce in the nation. Their organizational core includes a small-business partner, the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE),...
JobsOhio is a private nonprofit economic development corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention, and expansion. The organization also works to seed talent production in its targeted industries and to attract...
JumpStart, Inc. is a nationally recognized venture development organization that accelerates the progress of high potential, early-stage businesses to create a more prosperous future for Northeast Ohio. They have a special focus on supporting women and minority entrepreneurs working in...
MAGNET (Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network) operates to support, educate and champion manufacturing with the goal of transforming the region's economy into a powerful, global player. MAGNET serves as the voice of manufacturing, advocating for manufacturers in dealing with the...
The Ohio Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to presenting Ohio lawmakers with the business perspective on issues. As Ohio's largest and most diverse statewide business advocacy group, the Ohio Chamber has been a consistent voice for business for more than...
OhioSE, formerly known as The Appalachian Partnership for Economic Growth (APEG), one of six JobsOhio network partners, acts the single point of entry for economic development activities in the 25 southeast Ohio counties. The OhioSE-JobsOhio team has a dual role...
REDI Cincinnati (The Regional Economic Development Initiative of Cincinnati), one of six JobsOhio regional partners, has been consistently recognized as one of the top economic development organizations by Site Selection magazine. REDI is your first point-of-contact for questions about locating...
Rev1 Ventures is a business incubator located in Columbus, Ohio near the Ohio State University Campus. Rev1 Ventures helps start-ups grow their concepts, maturity, abilities, and ambitions. Rev1 Ventures helps established technology companies grow their business, capabilities, connections, and knowledge....
The Regional Growth Partnership is the lead economic development group serving the Toledo region and 17 counties of Northwest Ohio. As a 100 percent privately led organization, the RGP focuses on meeting the site selection needs of corporate clients in...
Team NEO is a private, nonprofit economic development organization accelerating business growth and job creation throughout the 18 counties of the Northeast Ohio Region. As the designated JobsOhio Network Partner, we align and amplify local economic development efforts in the...