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Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center (OBIC) is a research initiative that integrates academia and industry toward the development of renewable specialty chemicals, polymers/plastics and advanced materials. OBIC works to advance discovery and commercialization of bioproducts through targeting investments to enhance research...
The Ohio Health Modernization Movement (OHMM) is a coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to ending the criminalization of HIV in Ohio. Our mission is to mobilize a broad coalition, including individuals and communities who are disproportionately impacted by HIV,...
Ohio Lumex Company, Inc. (part of Lumex Co.) is a manufacturer of analytical and scientific instrumentation for laboratory and research uses. Ohio Lumex devices have wide ranging applications across many industries, including the biosciences, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, perfume, food service,...
The Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association, incorporated in 1979, was established from the need to provide a payment mechanism for adults with Sickle Cell Disease who were medically indigent; with the focus, and intent to solve Sickle Cell Disease,...
The Ohio Soybean Council (OSC) is governed by a volunteer farmer board, which directs the Soybean Promotion and Research Program. The program's primary goal is to improve the profitability of soybean farmers by targeting research and development, marketing, promotion, and...
Ohio Willow Wood manufactures prosthetic and orthotic devices for individuals who suffer from the loss or dysfunction of a limb. The company's products are designed to comfortably assist physically challenged people in leading a functionally normal lifestyle. Ohio Willow Wood...
OLAH Healthcare Technology's sole focus is providing decommissioning services to health providers. We have used our fifteen-plus years of experience dedicated to learning how to be the best in decommissioning healthcare systems. Our dedication to this focus has helped us...
Olive's AI workforce is built to fix our broken healthcare system by addressing healthcare's most burdensome issues - delivering hospitals and health systems increased revenue, reduced costs, and increased capacity. People feel lost in the system today and healthcare employees...
Omnitech Electronics, Inc. develops and supplies animal behavior research instrumentation and equipment with integrated software. Fields of focus include neuroscience, pharmacology, toxicology, sports medicine, comparative psychology, and animal behavior. Products include activity monitors, memory/learning devices, exercisers, light/dark activity equipment, rotometers...